Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mother-Daughter Bond: Strong Enough to Save a Life | Health, Beauty, Fashion, Love, Careers and more - MORE Magazine

I am now a published author! Woo-hoo! Wrote about when i actually got a vision of my daughter drowning and thank god my amazing daughter sent me a message because she was literally drowning in our pool in CT.
The day started out like any other week-end day, I was home with my 3 year old daughter, Brianna, and doing household chores. It was Spring and we were also beginning to prepare our yard for summer, which included the annual opening of our pool; the cover was off and the waterhose was on.
Early in the afternoon, I began to clean the bathroom while Brianna was playing in the living room. The water running in the tub must have prevented me from hearing my daughter’s movements and I never heard her leave the living room.
Suddenly, I felt very strange and had to sit down and when I did, a vivid image of my daughter floating face down in the pool came to me. This image was so strong that I felt sick to my stomach. I immediately began yelling her name while, at the same time, running for the side door of the home, the door to the pool and backyard the door with a doggie door for our dalmatian. Brianna was floating in the exact position as I had envisioned in my head, not moving. I do not remember how I got into the pool and took my daughter in my arms, I do not remember releasing a scream that my neighbors said was primal and brought people running. I watched as CPR was performed on my baby and she began to breathe. I was by her side, dripping wet, in the ambulance, as they tried to warm her. I watched her turn blue before the incubators at the hospital warmed her and I weeped and laughed with joy when my daughter’s first words were "Mommy, are we still going swimming at Abuela’s house tomorrow?" when she woke.
Mother-Daughter Bond: Strong Enough to Save a Life | Health, Beauty, Fashion, Love, Careers and more - MORE Magazine

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